Thursday, January 8, 2009

Always learning...

O.K., so I'm told by my daughter Jeni that when I post multiple things I have to do it backwards. Like with my last post. I should have blogged about Andrea first, then so on, so that my blog wouldn't START OUT as "And this is our daughter..." Oh well, I learn something new everyday - mostly from Jeni. I'm glad to know she has my back. Thanks honey! Love you!

1 comment:

Jeff~Josee~Macie~Emry said...

Hey Darcie! You are so funny about posting backwards!!! I did the same thing for the longest time, I'm still trying to figure all this blogging stuff out! Good thing you got Jeni to help ya, I think you're great to even be doing it! How are you guys doing? Are you staying warm up North? Keep posting more pics..we wanna see more!!